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About us


A Little History

St. Matthew Lutheran Church was organized in 1895. We dedicated our present building on October 4, 1959. We have a rich history of “preaching Christ crucified…. the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor: 1:23-24) for the forgiveness of sins and the assurance of everlasting life with our Lord. We also try to do our part in the work of our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod which is made up of over 2.3 million members in more than 6,ooo congregations.



The Gospel

Our Congregation at St. Matthew exists for one reason, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all its truth and purity.


That Gospel is this:

That the Son of God, Jesus Christ humbled Himself to be born of our flesh and was crucified on the cross for our sake. There He bore not only our sins but also the sins of the world. He died and was buried, but three days later He arose from the grave. His Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven at God’s right hand is evidence that the work on the cross is the complete satisfaction of sin’s penalty and that those who believe in Jesus Christ and His work have peace with God, Having passed over from death into eternal life. The congregation of St. Matthew preaches and teaches this Gospel so that the faith of its members is strengthened until the Day of Christ’s return in glory. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will create faith in the hearts of all who hear this message, so that they too will believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and thus receive forgiveness of sins, salvation, and eternal life. Amen.


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